Virginia Beach Trip

Fabulous Hotel in Virginia Beach

I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Delta Hotel in Virginia Beach.  It was such a great property that I decided to write about it.  I stayed in a partial ocean-view suite.  The room was spacious and beautifully decorated.  I liked it so much that I recorded a TikTok or two about it which I will share here.  The hotel had several restaurants, a Starbucks inside, and some great places to meet or to read a book by a warm fire.  I would love to return here with my family at some point. 

Great Places to Eat in Virginia Beach

I was only in Virginia Beach for two nights but I had the pleasure of enjoying some great meals.  My absolute favorite for their chicken salad sandwich was Taste.  The building was so cute and the food was delicious.  I could see myself picking up sandwiches here if I were heading to the beach in summer.I enjoyed it so much that we had lunch there both days during my stay. I had the Free Mason on the first day and the Tidewater Sandwich on the second.  If you are in the area, check this place out. 

Menu Link:

Other places that I enjoyed, 

Dockside had great fresh seafood and a fabulous view. 

Chick's Oyster Bar had super fresh oysters and the views were magnificent. 

The Back Deck - Great Orange Crushes which are a Virginia Beach must!  The view of the sunset from here was magnificent. See the picture below.

Taste was my favorite lunch place,!

The beaches were beautiful and felt so natural.  They are very different from home but going to the beach is always good for my soul.

During my walk on the beach I came across this thing which I initially thought was a crab claw.  I kept finding them along the beach and eventually, I touched one.  I thought it would be hard but it was soft and there was water in it. It felt alive so I quickly dropped it back in the sand.  I learned that these black pouches with tendrils that wash up are not parts o crabs or seaweed or kelp — they are actually the egg cases of fish called skates!