Escape to Miami

Going to Miami is like Going Home!


Our trip to Miami was short but truly magical.  I was able to show my kids the Miami that I grew in and fell in love with!  We visited some of my favorite places.

Where did we go?

We spent the most amount of time at Vizcaya.  If you have not heard of Vizcaya, here is some history.  Vizcaya was built as the summer home of John Deering.  It was built in 1916 and has been a central part of Miami since then.  Many famous people have visited this home like Queen Elizabeth II, President Regan and the Pope.  You can read more about this here

Vizcaya has breathtakingly beautiful gardens, a home that is full to the brim of precious art and many antique items that are all part of it's charm.

Where else did we go?

Miami has a vibrant design district that is near Wynwood.  Wynwood has graffiti art everywhere you look.  You should stop in at the Wywood Walls and explore the vast amount of artwork.  It is a true must-see.  The Miami Design District also has tons of big brands like Louis Vuitton, Prada, and much much more with beautifully decorated windows.  It also features some really cool parking garages that draw a crowd because of their unique play areas. 

Not far from the Wynwood Walls is Bayside.  It's a great place for outdoor shopping and dining.  If you are looking for something more family-friendly, check out Zoo Miami which has over 2000 animals. A trip to Miami should also include a walk through Little Havana and South Beach.

Where did we eat?

One of my favorite things about Miami is the food.  I love Cuban food but there is so much more to Miami dining, some places are a true experience.  Miami has my favorite pizza, breakfast and everything in between!  Here are a couple of my all-time favorite places:

More Favorite places to eat:

Where should you stay?

I have a few hotels in the Miami area that our family enjoys.  We have stayed at others but these are our current favorites.