Gainesville, Florida

A Girl's Night in Gainesville Filled with Food and Fond Memories


This was not our most adventours weekend by any means, it was simply a weekend in Gainesville, Florida with to great friends! I have been blessed with knowing these ladies for more than half my life now and we may not talk often but when we do, we have not skipped a beat.  Gainesville is he home of the prestigious University of Florida and it holds a special place in my heart. The charming campus, adorned with red brick buildings nestled amongst majestic trees, always draw me in. 

 We stayed at the AC Hotel.  This has become my go to in Gainesville because of it's phenonimal location and proximity to the campus.  It's location allows us to walk to places to eat and things to do while leaving our car in the garage. Pro Tip:  The garage is open and does not charge while school is out in the summer.  I paid the valet and did not need to. Also, if you drive an EV like I do, you may want to plug it in yourself vs asking the valet to do it.  They had a terrible time plugging in my car.

Our weekend started off very rainy but we had some moments where the rain paused and we were able to explore.  Lolo and I walked the campus while we talked and waited for our friend to arrive.   We went up to the rooftop to enjoy the sun and pool but nature had different plans for us.  We decided to relax in our room and before long our third mustketeer Leigh showed up with goodies.  Leigh's thoughtful gesture of bringing along delectable treats from Trader Joe's, along with drinks and mixers, was the perfect addition to our gil's night. 

Typically, I request Dragonfly Sushi when I am in Gainesville but Lolo is not a fan so we settled for Chic Fil A.  I know, how do you go from delicious sushi to chic fil a?  It was mostly laziness and distance to the hotel.  That evening Lolo fell asleep early and Leigh and I stayed up chatting until late.  It was so nice to catch up.   The next morning we got up and made brunch reservations at the Original American Kitchen or OAK for short.  It was SOOO good.  All of us truly enjoyed it.  After brunch, Lolo headed home and I had my hair done by the ever-talented Leigh.  Contact me if you are in Gainesville, Florida and want an amazing hair dresser.

In conclusion, my weekend in Gainesville might not have been adventerous, but it was a weekend of rekindling friendships, enjoying delish meals, and creating lasting memories. Gainesville's soothing atmosphere, combined with the warmth of my friends, made this short trip one that will always hold a special place in my heart.